Comments on: The Tea Party Challenges ‘Business as Usual’ Informed reflection on the events of the day Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Demetra Dubinsky Mon, 22 Nov 2010 06:01:07 +0000 I was also misinformed about the tea party movement until I joined a great site that made me understand it better. I met many of friends on the site and must say I was impressed with the way they think. I thought they were all insane people then I discovered why they are the tea party movement. It is because they care about the United States and the constitution.

By: Bradly Blaich Mon, 11 Oct 2010 18:26:24 +0000 Thank goodness! The dawn of judgement for the Dems is just about upon us! Finally, we conservatives get to steamroll that liberal train wreck that has made a big mess of things.

By: Alternative Political News Tue, 05 Oct 2010 17:06:22 +0000 okay lets all be honest Glen beck chose this day because hes an attention addict and this would be the most controversial day to have a tea party rally on. Glen beck is a joke to me and so is the tea party movement. Both people/ groups annoy me.

By: Jeffrey C. Goldfarb Wed, 29 Sep 2010 01:47:53 +0000 AJ, I agree with much that you write. I think that the Tea Party is made up of Reaganites gone wild, with guns, and a deep fear of people of color, especially those who have funny names. That said, I also think that they are principled Reagan Republicans. I agree that the way they conduct political debate is very dangerous. They imagine that they are the force of virtue and truth, with little respect for the factual reality (especially about history and the constitution) and that the people they oppose are not opponents but enemies. The Tea Party controlling Congress, even in Congress, is indeed a nightmare. All decent Republicans should distance themselves from the Tea Party, but they won’t because it has the energy they need, and they agree with the Tea Party’s avowed fundamental positions. But radicalism in the defense of hyper individualism and minimal government is indeed a vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice and a balanced budget is indeed a virtue (to turn Goldwater on his head, i.e. “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”).

By: AJ Tue, 28 Sep 2010 21:52:48 +0000 The Tea Party’s goals are to make a complete change in the country’s political landscape. They are not interested in having the political say so of any of the current members of the government but want to completely rebuild Congress as well as the way that Congress operates. It becomes a scarier prospect when you take into account the fact that they are obviously not trying to win any kind of elections. For a group that brandishes assault weapons at not only their own rallies but other political events it creates a frightening image of what may happen if they are not able to achieve any of their goals. If their only goal is notirarity, as I think Palin’s only goal must be because she has so far polarized herself as to never have a shot at any kind of political office, then they are doing one hell of a job. For a group that is supported by just 19 percent of the American public they get much more press than they deserve. They may see themselves as early American revolutionaries who want to take the country by force instead of by election. If they take action on some of their political slogans, most notably Palin’s “Reload,” its not an election defeat that the country has to fear but the violent revolt of those who think that they are disenfranchised. Rove was correct in saying that it does conservatives little good to support these candidates but he could have gone farther than that, and all conservatives should, and recommended a complete split of the Grand Old Party from the terrible press and reactions that come from the Tea Party.
