Comments on: Today is a Good Day for the Republicans Informed reflection on the events of the day Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fruit And Vegetable Diet Fri, 02 Sep 2011 12:20:58 +0000 Fruit And Vegetable Diet…

[…]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]…

By: Scott Wed, 03 Nov 2010 16:24:07 +0000 Dr. Goldfarb, you are right on target when you say that, “…the Democratic Party under his [Obama’s] leadership, is not leftist, but centrist…” And many other level headed individuals, including even the likes of Ron Paul, would agree, and even adding that Obama is in fact a “corporatist.” I really don’t think that calling Obama a corporatist is too far off base. Facile anti-corporate rhetoric aside, he has taken quite a lot of money from corporations such as Goldman Sachs, BP, etc.

With such “realistic” assessments in mind, and with the prevelance of perceptions that Obama is a “socialist” (which he is clearly not, or at least not more so than any Republican who refuses to tinker with Medicaire or Social Security for fear of the voter backlash), it seems to me that the election results are perhaps as much due to a victory of paranoia over realism as they are due to legimate disenchantment with issues such as the economy.

John Boehner,the probable new speaker of the house, has taken dead aim at the new health care bill, calling it a “monstrosity.” And given the fact that, as PolitiFact demonstrates, most of what the public knows about the health care bill are distortions or even outright lies [i.e. “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire] the Republicans have been able to capitalize on paranoia, and this is the one of the main reasons for the Republican victory.

But ironically, oh so ironically, another significant reason for the election results is that the “Communist Takover” that is the perception that the healthcare bill didn’t include a public option, didn’t go far enough. And voter realism, among young voters especially, peg Obama, not as a socialist, but as a corporatist, as are many of the democrats that were given the boot. (Perhaps you may call then corporate socialists.)

So can yesterday, today, tomorrow, possibly be a good day for America? Who can say for sure at this point. Unintended consequences are always a possibility. However, I don’t think the Republicans will be able to undo everything that the Democrats have done; Democrats still “control,” whatever that means, the Senate and the White House. But I think what this possibly means is “gridlock” or some degree of that. If the people still want change, they will need to, at least for the next few years, practice the “politics of small things” or some equivalent and not expect the government to deliver it.
