Comments on: The Weiner Follies: The Personification of Politics Informed reflection on the events of the day Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michaelpcorey Tue, 14 Jun 2011 02:28:00 +0000 On a lighter note, I’m not sure that I understand the logic of all of this. If someone is an exhibitionist in the material world, it is a crime. If someone is an exhibitionist in the virtual world it is no big deal. Let’s let that go for a minute. Now for the more serious note. I have rarely seen a politician invite one on one face to face interviews and lie so convincingly and with such sincerity. This demonstration becomes a headline for distrusting politicians. By the way, in the private sector, if this was an executive or a representative of a company, in most cases he would be dismissed. Perhaps he would be given some employee assistance to deal with his issues. People have toyed with an honor code for politicians — some colleges have them,and variations of them exist at military academies. I doubt that one would ever be adopted for politicians, because, I fear, most might fail. What a sad commentary on the way politics is conducted.

By: Lisa Aslanian Tue, 14 Jun 2011 01:28:00 +0000 I had turned the TV and cable and internet off for a few days. Sometimes it is good for my little family. When I turned it back on, well, I had a big laugh— between Colbert and JS and Bill Maher and the actual pictures. I did not know if Weiner was married, so I had to look it up. Too bad, I thought. And then I caught myself—- this is funny stuff and AW did step in it again and again and the satirists were all over him and all over the media for letting AW’s weiner take over the news. That said, let’s face it, given the public that we are, there was no graceful way for him to shrug it off as immature. There was no way out for AW. He was to be ridiculed, exiled, sent to political Siberia for sexting. What we (or at least I) worry about my kids doing (not yet, they’re ten, but I worry).

And a lot of people must do this or we would not have a word—- sexting—-for it. And politicians are people— the dialogue was like bad porn talk and the pictures, well, they could have been worse. I have not gained any respect for AW, don’t get me wrong, but again I did not start with any. But isn’t there something oddly prurient about how obsessed we get with other people’s sex lives. And not just on the right. And would it be news if he wrote it to his wife or he was not married (so no one could play around with his abuse of the sanctity of marriage—- and use that against him). And why do we give it more than a side note? It does not help his family. If this is his political death, we don’t have to hungrily expose all of the details of the corpse.

Are we all getting in touch with our inner Kenneth Star? Let’s detail someone else’s sex life it takes 500 pages or 5 days of TV and in this case, it has the odd honor of not being sex so much as foreplay without any touch. Naughty talk. Let me jumpcut and see if this makes any sense: right after the Monica scandal broke with Clinton, everyone on the left had had it with him, they were disgusted; they wrestled to figure out why he did it, etc. They wanted a rational and public answer to an irrational and intimate urge and action. Guess what, no one ever got that satisfaction and no one will get it with Weiner. You just take it at face value, for about 5 minutes and move on.

And then, yes, discuss the real issues. We have enough problems with the crazies on the right running for office and an economy that seems to be in a permanent slumber. We need to rethink our relationship to an entire swath of the world— I do think this is getting done and I think AW is a temporary sideshow but I am interested in why we get so damned into these sideshows. Maybe if we gave it a big “so what” shrug of the shoulders and moved past it without getting tripped up in it we would look more like the adults we are. I mean, really, a politician caught with his pants down—- next.

And from a not so different angle, I have had it with knowing everyone’s business. When the Arnold scandal broke, my first thought— and I am not trying to sound holy; like I said, I got a huge laugh out of a lot of the AW stuff before I thought about how much it dominated political discourse—- none of my business. I do not want to be invited into anyone else’s bedroom. Not my business. There must be a way to let people fall from grace and then just give them some privacy.

By: Scott Tue, 14 Jun 2011 01:21:00 +0000 That Weiner has a psychiatric disorder that could explain his behaviour is laughable. This seems to be nothing else than a case of weakness in the face of the multitude of temptations that anyone with the of that being a US congressman faces. Certainly Weiner must think he was “special”, but its hard to imagine how he possibly thought he could get away with what he did, or any public representative could, given that their personal lives are in fact so vulnerable to being fodder for the media.
