Comments on: Why Poland?: Poles and Jews Before the Fall of Communism Informed reflection on the events of the day Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: KB Sun, 28 Jun 2015 01:32:00 +0000 I am a Pole and personally I have no problem with Polish – Jewish relationships. We have 1000 years history, Poles saved many Jews from German Nazis (without that there practically won’t be any Jews left today), and then these saved Jews later (those who didn’t go on to build the state of Israel , or didn’t flee due to the postwar horrors) hand in hand together with Poles reclaimed back our country from the Communist regime. Poland is alive today thanks to all these Jewish and Polish patriots, angry with the Nazi and Communist oppressors. That’s what i see, but i studied our history and i am free from prejudices. I don’t separate Jew from Pole, to me they belonged to the same country. So no, i don’t believe in any antisemitism, any zionism or racism. But i believe there is tremendous trauma. I still see two traumatized nations, lots of lost history, lots of manipulated facts, lots of hurt, lots of things that need to be explained and understood.

By: TRUTHMONGERDOTINFO Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:07:00 +0000 When the jews/communists took over Russia they’d engineer up to 25,000 skirmishes on any given day throughout the country – To create fear and chaos but also to tax public safety resources. There simply weren’t enough cops and soldiers to cover every square inch of Russian soil.

And the communists knew it.

The jews/communists used “disaffected workers” to destabilize Russia but their descendants are apparently gonna use niggas to try to destroy America. It’s becoming obvious why obama wanted them all to have cellphones. Flash mobs.

In fact, that’s why jews/communists brought niggas – and other nonwhites – to America and Europe in the first place. It’s part of a centuries-old conspiracy to destroy EVERY CHRISTIAN NATION ON EARTH, which you can read about here:

If you’re man enough to research the issue, you’ll quickly realize that jews have authored EVERY immigration law that throws our borders wide open. for more about America’s clear and present danger, our enemy from within.

By: Jeffrey C. Goldfarb Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:38:00 +0000 Dear Marzena,

Please understand that though my travels in Poland have been challenging, I deeply appreciate and have learned from colleagues and dear friends there, some of the most noble people I know. The relationship between Jews and Christians in Poland include much pain and sorrow, but not only that. I have visited more times than I can remember, more often than yearly in recent years.

Thanks for your note,

By: Marzena Kot Tue, 13 Aug 2013 04:31:00 +0000 Shalom Jeffrey,

I do not know what to say to you…I live din Krakow,myself I am half Jewish half Polish.My family saved Jews during an occupation plus among our family friends were always present Jews.I met many Poles who loves Jewish people and some who hate or do not understand.
Not all people are homophobic and antisemitic.Maybe next time you will have a better experience while in Poland,God Bless.

